takes a learner through the 4 fold learning process which is signified in each letter
The driving force behind the Takshila schools is its progressive learning system, E-DAC. The sole aim of this learning system is to make learning effortless and effective with the help of various audio, visual and kinesthetic learning tools and techniques. The system is innovative in its approach as it is designed to make learning an engaging and experiential process for all learners. It is the outcome of intensive research by the Research and Development division of EDAC. Though E-DAC is an acronym for the four-fold process of learning that takes a learner through various stages of learning, the process itself is a never-ending spiral, a continuum that may begin at any point but one that never ends, thus making lifelong learners.
The vision of Takshila School is to create diverse learning opportunities so that each child develops ‘their’ or ‘his/ her’ potential. With focus on academic excellence and usage of best pedagogical practices, the school aims to nurture learners who are technology enabled and environmentally sensitive.
We at Takshila School, make learning a pleasurable experience by imparting knowledge through our unique methodology which encourage creativity, sensitivity and values with the best use of technology creating space for each and everyone associated with us.
Values are the core building blocks of every civilisation. Values are the driving force that accounts for efficient decision-making abilities of any individual. Takshila as an institution believes in building values in our learners by developing their individuality and discovering their ability. A strong value driven culture has been encouraged and imbibed in the school environs. These are encouraged through:
* Values of competency, individuality, compassion, responsibility and respect;
* Development of innovativeness, teamwork and credibility;
* Respecting humanity through the values of dignity, empathy and generosity;
* Respect for the country's rich heritage and a sense of national pride.